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Crabgrass Guide: Everything You Need To Know

Crab Grass Guide: Everything You Need To Know

Life is never easy. Neither is Lawn care.

You will be challenged in both.

Within the depths of these challenges lies the secret to achieving a magnificent lawn (and life): persistence.

The path to a perfect lawn is paved with determination, hard work, and a dash of stubbornness. Never give up and you will overcome your challenges.

With every hurdle cleared, you shall reap the finest rewards in both life and lawn. What rewards, you ask? We’re talking about growth, my friends.

But growth don’t come easy. You’re going to need an abundant supply of persistence to overcome perhaps the biggest lawn care challenge you’ll face. Crabgrass.

This devilish weed can engulf your precious lawn before you can say “meat skewer.”

But fear not, for I shall bestow upon you the sacred knowledge to make crabgrass cower in regret for ever setting foot in your verdant sanctuary.

With these battle-tested tips, you’ll surely triumph over the insidious crabgrass:

What is Crabgrass?

Crab Grass Guide: Everything You Need To Know
Crabgrass in yard_crabgrass guide_the grass tacks blog

Crabgrass is a type of weed that thrives in warm weather and can quickly spread across your lawn. It’s known for its ability to grow rapidly and choke out other plants.

Crabgrass is characterized by its wide blades and low growth habit. It grows in a crab-like pattern and has a distinctive seed head that looks like a crab’s claw.

How To Eliminate Crabgrass

Crab Grass Guide: Everything You Need To Know

There’s only one sure fire method for ridding your lawn of this weedy growth – pull it out.

That’s right, hand pulling crabgrass out by the root is the most effecting way to ensure it won’t grow back and continue to spread in your lawn.

You can use a trowel if you’d like to make sure you get the entire root.

It is important to pull crabgrass immediately after you notice it. It tends to begin growth in early spring as the soil temperature begins to raise (around 55 degrees).

Pull it as early as possible otherwise you run the risk of the weed producing and spreading seeds.

If your lawn is riddled with this weed, it is important to make a good habit of pulling it regularly. I try to stop and pull a weed every single time I notice one. Even if I’m just walking out to my car, if I notice a weed on the way, I make myself stop and pull it.

Pulling one or two every time you notice, makes the job more manageable.

How To Prevent Crabgrass

Crab Grass Guide: Everything You Need To Know

The best course of action is to prevent the vile weed from ever taking root in your yard. Follow these steps and you’ll be on your way to a crabgrass-free lawn:

  • Apply crabgrass preventative in the early spring (before the soil reaches 55 degrees F).

  • Repair damaged lawn. If you have patchy or thin areas of lawn, be sure you plant new seed. Thin patches are breeding grounds for crabgrass to take hold. A thick full lawn will not allow the weed to flourish.

  • Mow high. Mowing on a higher mower setting will maintain longer grass which towers above the low sitting crabgrass and cuts off it’s supply of sun. Without the sun it won’t be able to grow.

  • Fertilize appropriately. Maintain a steady fertilization schedule to keep your lawn thick and lush. Thick grass wont allow crabgrass to germinate.

  • Water generously. Ensure your lawn get 6-8 inches of water on a regular basis to allow the grass roots to grow deeper in the soil and create a stronger lawn that doesn’t allow crabgrass to take hold.

In conclusion, remember that tackling crabgrass is no walk in the park. It takes guts, grit, and a healthy dose of stubbornness. But fear not, for armed with these tips and the unwavering spirit of a true lawn aficianado, you shall emerge victorious. Let your persistence be the fuel that drives you, and let your lawn stand as a testament to your unwavering resolve. So go forth, my friends, and reclaim your turf from the clutches of crabgrass. For in the end, it’s not just about a beautiful lawn—it’s about conquering the challenges that come your way, both in life and in lawn care. Now, let’s get out there and mow some glory!

To stay on top of your lawn care schedule and ensure a thick, magnificent lawn, use our lawn care reminder tool. Download our reminder tools and you’ll always know when it’s time to apply crabgrass preventative.